金沙检测线路js95副研究员,光电所党支部书记,长期从事高精度惯性导航与组合导航系统技术研究,作为项目负责人主持国防预研共用技术、基础研究、国家自然科学基金等多项国家级项目,近五年科研经费超两千万元,获全国商业科技进步一等奖、中国惯性技术学会科技进步二等奖。IEEE Senior Member,《导航定位与授时》期刊青年编委,英国物理学会、IEEE仪器仪表与测量协会Outstanding Reviewer。发表SCI检索学术论文30余篇(第一/通讯作者论文24篇),授权国家发明专利7项。
(1)Jian Li, Gongliu Yang,Qingzhong Cai*. Distributed Scheduling for Cooperative Navigation Based on Uncertainty Evolution,IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3228560.
(2)Zeyang Wen, Gongliu Yang,Qingzhong Cai*,et al.An Encoder-Based Relative Attitude Observation Method for Self-Calibration in Dual-Axis RINS,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2022. 3229325
(3)Zeyang Wen, Gongliu Yang,Qingzhong Cai*,et al. A Novel Bluetooth Odometer Aided Smartphone-based Vehicular Navigation in Satellite-denied Environments,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, 70(3): 3136-3146.
(4)Yongqiang Tu, Gongliu Yang,Qingzhong Cai*,et al. Dynamical analysis and experimental verification of deviation angles caused by rubber dampers deformation in high precision mechanically dithered RLG dual-axis RINS,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 126: 553-567, 2019.
(5)Jian Li, Gongliu Yang,Qingzhong Cai*,et al. Cooperative navigation for UAVs in GNSS-denied area based on optimized belief propagation,Measurement,192: 110797, 2022.
(6)Zeyang Wen, Gongliu Yang,Qingzhong Cai*,et al. Modeling and Calibration of the Gyro-Accelerometer Asynchronous Time in Dual-Axis RINS,IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70:1-17, 2021.
(7)Qingzhong Cai,Gongliu Yang,Ningfang Song,Lifen Wang,Hongliang Yin,Yiliang Liu,Online Calibration of the Geographic-Frame-Equivalent Gyro Bias in Dual-Axis RINS,IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 67(7):1609 - 1616, 2018.
(8)Qingzhong Cai, Changhao Yang, Jing Li,et al.An EL-SHAKF-Based Integration Scheme for Gyro Thermal-Magnetic Coupling Heading- Effect Drift Compensation in INS,IEEE Sensors Journal, 20(19): 11508-11517, 2020.
(9)Qingzhong Cai, Wei Quan, Li Xing,et al. Research on case rotating modulation for nuclear-spin comagnetometer in space-stable INS,Measurement, 140.388-394, 2019.
(10)牛皓飞,蔡庆中*等.基于图优化的通信受限环境下协同导航方法,航空学报, 44(4):327342, 2023.
(3)IEEE仪器仪表与测量协会《IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement》Outstanding Reviewer,2018;
(4)英国物理学会《Measurement Science and Technology》Outstanding Reviewer,2016。
(1)IEEE Senior Member,2022.11至今;